
Friday, June 19, 2009

how to get anywhere in valencia

How to get anywhere in Valencia - you ask directions.

I am lost in Valencia. I think it is a common ocurrence, since the streets change names every block or so; nothing is straight, right, or left. Stop number one, somewhere in the old town area, I ask a gentleman standing next to a kiosk that sells maps to the city. "Donde esta la Avenida de la Francia?" I inquire. Person number one is puzzled, doesn't understand. Person number two is helpful, but doesn't know. He goes to the kiosk vendor who pulls out maps, can't find it, and then sends us down the Calle Rio. Stop number two, next to the hotel Westin, somewhere near the beach, three people standing outside a museum all give advice and send me off. Stop three, two ladies shake their heads in disbelief at how I got to where I am. They point to a red bus turning onto a large street and say go that way. I hear the word "treni," which means train and I am off in pursuit of the train station. A couple of minutes later, there is the train station, and I know I am getting close. Next person I ask works in a grocery store. He points, says, "directo," and I guess I am just about there.

Lo and behold, there it is, the Avenida de la Francia, one hour since I arrived in Valencia.

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