
Thursday, June 18, 2009

the search for intelligent life

I know that I am getting older. I think I can deal with that - that being the aching joints, sore muscles, and disappearing hair. What I miss the most is good conversation about life and what matters. It seems the older you get the less intelligent life there is. I mean, don't we all just pass by each other without making any significant difference in either person's life.

Some thirty years ago, NASA began a search for intelligent life forms out side our galaxy, SETI, and sent into space a rocket with a message for anybody who might be there to call back, to speak to us, to communicate an intelligent word or phrase; let us know that we are not alone on the planet earth. At the same time, scientists have trained huge listening antenna on the galaxies in space to see if somehow and somewhere our telescopes can pick up someone else's version of "I Love Lucy" on intergalactic space waves.

Is anybody listening?

If you are there, all you have to do is post a comment and say something, anything that demonstrates that life is not simply an existential nightmare of waking, eating, and sleeping - just kidding.


  1. First! (Will that do?)

    OK. Sorry for the blogosphere joke. I'm enjoying your blog and hope to let folks back home know about it in the next issue of The College Hill Commoner. Shoot me an email (google us if you don't have it) and I'll send you a few interview questions.

  2. Hey Artie and Will,

    We didn't even know you were going to Europe. Sounds like you both are having fun. Your sisters have all been trying to post something to say hi but apparently haven't mastered blogs as of yet because they asked me to see if I could figure out how it works. Everyone is enjoying your reports so keep it up. I'll check back later to see what is going on.

    Love Kathy and Mike

  3. Okay, Mike helped me figure this out. I am enjoying your trip -- almost as good as being there.
