
Friday, December 15, 2017

The origins of Surrealism

 The origins of surrealism are not limited to when but where and the answer lies within,

The unconscious is the wellspring of the imagination. So said Sigmund Freud, but so too William Shakespeare: "We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep." Prospero to his daughter, The Tempest.

boundlessness in bloomon a brick wall  propac images

If you enjoy that thought, you will enjoy these fanciful pictures from Propac Images by the artist Duh Hunyh.

See them now.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Cheers to Santa!

Eartha Kitt is singing, Santa baby, ... hurry down the chimney tonight. Dads are dreaming of sports cars, moms of a quiet moment after the shopping is done, and the kids want anything and everything that is new and wonderful. Santa ought to be confused, but somehow he figures it all out.

Here is Chandler 4 Corners salute to Santa Claus. Available at Free shipping, arrives before Christmas if ordered by December 15th.